304 and 430 stainless steel is our frequent contact with the stainless steel material, then how to distinguish between the two? The following by the encyclopedia of stainless steel to everyone to do a detailed introduction:

Application areas of difference

  1. 304 stainless steel application areas:

1.1 With heat resistance, good processing characteristics, high flexibility, widely used in industrial production and furniture decoration industry and food medical industry.

1.2 has very strong corrosion resistance, widely used in the production of equipment and mechanical parts that provide good comprehensive performance (corrosion resistance and molding).

  1. 430 stainless steel application areas:

2.1 Apply to building decoration, fuel burner parts, household appliances, home appliance parts and other fields.

2.2 Adding easy-cutting performance steel 430F to 430 steel is suitable for automatic lathes, screws and bolts.

2.3 Add Ti or Nb in 430 steel, reduce C content into 430LX, improved processing characteristics and welding welding characteristics, welding for hot water tanks, hot water systems, environmental sanitation appliances, household life with the use of appliances, bicycle chains and so on.

2.4 430 stainless steel is not food grade, 430 is categorized as ferritic stainless steel, magnetic, commonly known as stainless steel, used to do CNC blades and other kitchen utensils are usually used at this stage of the austenitic stainless steel (without magnetic or with micro-magnetic), so 430 stainless steel to do the kitchen utensils is not very safe because 430 stainless steel is corrosion-resistant performance is not good.


Performance difference

1,Corrosion resistance

430 stainless steel containing chromium 16.00-18.00%, basically does not contain nickel metal, 304 stainless steel containing chromium and nickel metal, so 430 stainless steel corrosion resistance is not as good as 304 stainless steel.

2,Stability performance

430 stainless steel is ferritic shape, 304 stainless steel is austenitic shape, 304 stainless steel is smoother than 430 stainless steel.

3, Flexibility

304 stainless steel has a very strong flexibility, more flexible than 430 stainless steel.

4,Heat transfer performance

430 stainless steel ferritic than 304 stainless steel austenitic heat transfer performance.

5,Physical properties

430 stainless steel added a smooth chemical element titanium, weld part physical properties than 304 stainless steel.

304 stainless steel as long as in line with China’s GB9684 standard certification, the real ability to contact with the food category without causing harm to the human body stainless steel material, attributed to food-grade stainless steel. Formal manufacturers usually use 304 (i.e. 18-8) and 430 (i.e. 18-0) stainless steel to make fork and spoon. 430 is magnetic, while 304 is slightly magnetic. Therefore, when shopping for stainless steel kitchenware, you can easily distinguish 430 stainless steel with a magnet.

304 stainless steel has very strong flexibility and corrosion resistance, in industrial production and food medical and other industries that require corrosion resistance, 304 stainless steel is better. 430 stainless steel has better heat transfer properties and physical properties, construction and decoration, fuel burner parts, household appliances, home appliance parts and other areas, 430 stainless steel is better.