Below are our cooperate partner mills, hot rolled and cold rolled factories around the world, most of them located in China
All partners are listed by random:
TISCO, YUSCO, LISCO, JISCO, POSCO, ZPSS, QPSS, Baosteel, ESS, Krupp, Shuoyang, YongJin/YJKJ, TTSS, Tsingshan, HongWang, Daekyung, Walsin, Baoxin, Chengde/Guangxi Beibu Gulf New Materials, Taishan Steel, Shandong Taijia, Baosteel Desheng, Benxi Steel / Ben Gang, Ningbo Qiyi, Fujian Dingxin / Shanghai Decent, Guangdong Baojia, Angang Steel, Guangdong Runxin, Delong Steel, Tiancheng Steel, Shengyang Metal, Haian Chainchon, Hennan Jiuhui, LCG Metal, Yunan Tiangao.
If you are interested in stainless steel products, we will share with you more details about our partners.
Welcome to contact us to get a competitive offer.