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“OBOR” will boost the steel demand in Southeast Asia and Russia.

“OBOR” will boost the steel demand in Southeast Asia and Russia

As China’s “One Belt and One Road” project is building new trade routes and infrastructure in Eurasia, demand for steel and copper will increase significantly in Southeast Asia and Russia.

According to some industry experts, this year’s ” One Belt and One Road ” project will drive the demand for steel in Southeast Asia from 2% this year to more than 4% in 2025. Meanwhile, the demand for steel in Russia and the Caspian Sea will increase from 2% this year to about 3% in 2025.

At the same time, the ” One Belt and One Road ” project will boost the copper demand in Russia and the Caspian Sea from 2018 of 4% to 6% in 2025. One source said that for some countries, the ” One Belt and One Road ” project will be the main driving force for the demand for steel or copper in the short to medium term.

This is because most of the ” One Belt and One Road ” projects are large demand for steel or copper. Between 2013 and 2030, the demand for steel was about 1.2 billion tons, and copper demand was about 2.2 million tons. All kinds of building steel will be used in the ” One Belt and One Road ” project.

According to the relevant statistics, more than 1000 ” One Belt and One Road ” projects have already started, and there are more than 400 projects involving investment or technology in China, of which infrastructure accounts for 66% of the total.

In response, an industry official said that since the launch of the “One Belt and One Road” project in 2013, it has entered the construction stage, and the number of new projects and investments has increased since 2016. The new “One Belt and One Road” project will continue to be signed, and the focus will gradually shift from infrastructure projects to industrial and commercial projects. The “One Belt and One Road” project has developed into the most important development strategy of Eurasia.

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