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Turkey initiates anti-dumping investigation against EU and Korean hot rolled steel plates

On January 9, 2021, the Turkish Ministry of Trade issued Announcement No. 2021/4 to initiate anti-dumping of hot rolled steel plates (Turkish: Alaşımlıveyaalaşımsız,

(plakajhariç)herhangibirkaplamaişleminetabitutulmamışsıcakhaddelenmişyassıçelik) at the application of Turkish domestic producers. File an investigation.

The Turkish tax codes of the products involved are 7208.10.00, 7208.25.00, 7208.26.00, 7208.27.00, 7208.36.00, 7208.37.00, 7208.38.00, 7208.39.00, 7208.40.00, 7208.52.10, 7208.52.99 ,

7208.53.10, 7208.53.90, 7208.54.00, 7211.13.00, 7211.14.00, 7211.19.00, 7212.60.00, 7225.19.10, 7225.30.10, 7225.30.30, 7225.30.90, 7225.40.15, 7225.40 .90, 7226.91.20,

7226.91.91, and 7226.91.99.

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